
Navigating the Leaving Certificate Examinations: Balancing Burnout, Engagement, and the Power of Coaching

Written by Stephanie Butler | Mar 22, 2024 1:14:23 PM


The Leaving Certificate Examinations hold immense significance for Irish students. As they gear up for these high-stakes assessments, they face a unique blend of stress and anticipation. Our role as parents is crucial in helping them strike the right balance between academic rigor and well-being.

Just like in the workforce, secondary students can experience burnout within an education system.


Understanding School Burnout

What Is School Burnout?

School burnout is that feeling when students are emotionally drained, cynical, and overwhelmed by the relentless demands of academic life. Imagine your child juggling heavy class loads, study sessions, exams, and expectations, all while feeling like they’re running on empty.


Signs & Impacts of Burnout

  • Emotional Exhaustion: It’s like hitting a wall—feeling depleted and drained.
  • Cynicism and Detachment: Interest in learning wanes, and a sense of detachment sets in.
  • Inadequacy: Students start doubting their abilities and feeling like they’re falling short.
  • Depressive Symptoms: Burnout can lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety.
  • Risk of Premature Dropout or School Refusal: Students experiencing burnout may even consider leaving school before completing their journey.

As parents and educators we ideally want to see our children and students thrive on the opposite end of the continuum which is school engagement.

Fostering School Engagement

What Is School Engagement?

School engagement refers to a student’s commitment, investment, and active participation in educational activities. It encompasses three key dimensions: behavioural engagement, where students actively participate in class; cognitive engagement, which involves a positive attitude toward learning; and emotional engagement, celebrating moments of joy and curiosity in the learning process. When students are engaged, they not only perform better academically but also experience overall well-being and successful transitions to future endeavours.

Benefits of Engagement

  • Learning Achievement: Engaged students tend to perform better academically.
  • Life Satisfaction: Engagement spills over into overall well-being.
  • Successful Transitions: Engaged students navigate educational milestones with confidence.

Often the stress and anticipation associated with the Leaving Certificate Examinations can leave students feeling overwhelmed and stuck. This is not conducive to the constraints and expectations that they face or their overall wellbeing in the process.


How can Academic Coaching help with school burnout and promote engagement?

  • Emotional Exhaustion (Burnout):
    • Coaching provides a safe, non-judgmental space for students to express their feelings. Through active listening and empathy, they help students process emotions, manage stress, and build resilience. Coaches also guide students in setting realistic study schedules, ensuring they do not overextend themselves emotionally.
  • Cynicism and Detachment (Burnout):
    • Coaches encourage a positive and strength-based mindset. They help students reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. By focusing on the bigger picture—personal development and learning—the coach helps combat cynicism. Coaches also foster a sense of belonging, connecting students to their own academic journey.
  • Inadequacy (Burnout):
    • Coaches recognize and celebrate students’ individual strengths achievements, no matter how small. They emphasize progress over perfection. By setting achievable goals and acknowledging incremental improvements, coaches boost students’ confidence and combat feelings of inadequacy.
  • Behavioural Engagement:
    • Coaches work with students to co-create effective study routines. They break down tasks into manageable steps, ensuring consistent progress. Coaches work as accountability partners with students, helping them stay on track with assignments and attendance.
  • Cognitive Engagement:
    • Coaches promote a growth mindset. They encourage students to view learning as a journey rather than a destination. Coaches provide individualised study strategies, teach effective note-taking techniques, and guide critical thinking. By fostering curiosity, they enhance cognitive engagement.
  • Emotional Engagement:
    • Coaches celebrate students’ passion for learning. They explore students’ individual and unique interests, connecting academic content to real-life applications. Coaches also encourage self-reflection, helping students recognize the emotional impact of their studies. By infusing joy and curiosity, they enhance emotional engagement.
  • Life Satisfaction (Engagement):
    • Coaches explore students’ overall well-being. They discuss self-care practices, sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Coaches help students find a balance between academic, social, and personal life, ensuring satisfaction beyond the classroom.
  • Successful Transitions (Engagement):
    • Coaches prepare students for life beyond school and the Leaving Certificate. They discuss career aspirations, work, college choices, and personal development. Coaches listen to and guide students in making informed decisions and building confidence for successful transitions.

In summary, coaching can play a pivotal role in supporting students deal with the pressures of life within the constraints of the Leaving Certificate Examinations and for a successful transition beyond it. It will help to nurture their emotional well-being, enhance engagement, and ensure a more balanced educational and life experience. 

If you would like to know more about academic or life coaching for your child, please book in a free consultation here.