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Leaving Certificate Support

September - December 2024


Leaving Certificate Support – Coaching Program 2024

Academic Resilience and Life Coaching for 5th and 6th Year Students with: 

Stephanie Butler: Educator & Certified Youth Life Coach

Stephanie Butler is a passionate secondary school educator and certified youth life coach with over a decade of experience. Specialising in academic resilience and personal development, Stephanie helps students navigate their educational journey with confidence. Her unique approach combines educational expertise with evidence-based life coaching techniques to empower students to determine their own success both academically and personally.


  • Builds resilience during a stressful academic period
  • Provides an accountability partner, non-judgmental support and an external outlet for students to communicate challenges
  • Tailored to individual student needs (study plans, strengths, and skills)
  • Focuses on mental and emotional well-being
  • Support from an experienced secondary educator and certified youth life coach

Intended Outcomes:

Students will:

  • Leverage internal and external resources to begin moving towards self-determined goals
  • Highlight and pursue personal strengths, traits and skills conducive to goal attainment
  • Identify academic and life direction and set and pursue goals in line with that direction
  • Align with people places and spaces conducive to goal pursuit
  • Develop the skills and make behaviour modifications necessary to enhance resilience and chances of success through goal striving

Program Outline

  • Aug/Sept: in-take and set-up session (I hour)
    • Introductions, what is coaching, in-take assessments, coaching plan and goal-setting
    September: 1-1 coaching session (45 minutes)
    • Student works collaboratively with coach on a goal or outcome they would like to achieve in this month
    • Debrief the beginning of the school year expectations and reality
    October: 1-1 coaching session (45 minutes)
    • Debrief September work
    • Student works collaboratively with coach on a goal or outcome they would like to achieve in this month
    • Complete audit of study skills & learning environment
    Mid-term break: Group session on stress & resilience (I hour)- recording available
    In this session students will explore the topics such as:
    -Self-care & Leisure
    -Habit formation
    November: 1-1 coaching session (45 minutes)
    • De-brief October work
    • Student works collaboratively with coach on a goal or outcome they would like to achieve in this month
    • Explore exam readiness
    December: 1-1 coaching session (45 minutes)
    • De-brief November work
    • Student works collaboratively with coach on a goal or outcome they would like to achieve in this month and in the lead up to the new year
    • Close out coaching and complete review